Westside Children's Therapy Blog

Are you noticing signs of developmental delays in your child? It's a challenging and emotional journey, but understanding the next steps can make all the
Imagine a classroom where every student thrives, no matter their unique needs—a goal every teacher strives for but finds increasingly challenging
With summer coming up, it’s time to start looking forward to all of the warm weather activities, and that includes swimming! Whether you might be
Navigating the world of Autism can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to addressing difficult behaviors. It's natural for parents and
You may wonder why your child is toe walking. It's important to know that toe walking always happens for a reason. Over the years, there
If your child has received an Autism diagnosis, they may be recommended for a specialized therapy known as ABA Therapy. In this article, we’ll review
Parenthood can be both incredibly rewarding and undeniably challenging. If you are a parent or caregiver, you know that one of the most difficult challenges
There is nothing truer than the age-old statement “It takes a village,” especially when it comes to pediatric therapy. After all, each therapist brings their
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of movement disorders that impact muscle coordination and body movement. Each child with CP is affected differently, though every
From brilliant scientists to visionary artists, pioneering activists to innovative thinkers, individuals with Autism bring a unique perspective, incredible talent, and limitless potential to change
The holiday season often brings forth feelings of warmth, joy, and cherished family traditions. But if you’re a parent of a child with Autism, you
If you genuinely cares about children, love to have fun, and embraces teamwork, then look no further than Westside Children's Therapy!