Speech Therapy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of movement disorders that impact muscle coordination and body movement. Each child with CP is affected differently, though every
The simple answer is yes! ABA Therapy can help with your child's speech! But working on speech in ABA Therapy compared to Speech Therapy itself
As human beings, we were designed to communicate. As communicators, we should be able to request, question, comment, express feelings and emotions, etc.  While some may
Westside Children’s Therapy pediatric speech therapist experts give tips to graduating college students on what to know and expect about the career of being a
Pediatric Speech Therapy sessions at Westside are tailored to each child’s specific and individual needs. Some sessions can be drill based, but typically for younger
It’s never too early to look into speech therapy for your toddler. The earlier you can catch any signs of lack of development in certain areas,
From an early age, parents have a huge impact on their children’s speech and language development. As speech therapists, we get asked all the time: