Westside Children's Therapy Blog

According to a study (Lecavalier & Wiltz, 2006), parents of children with autism experience more stress than teachers when they deal with their behavior. Behavioral
ABA Therapy focuses on a variety of different challenging behaviors a child with autism may present. ABA Therapy is an option for children with autism
You may be wondering, “Who is ABA Therapy for? Could it benefit my child?” Maybe you have a child who is newly diagnosed with Autism, or
At times, all parents struggle with managing their child’s behavior - this is part of parenthood! But for parents of a child with Autism or
ABA Therapy at Westside Children’s Therapy is always 1 to 1. Every child has their own therapist that is continuously providing support and guiding their
IGNITE is an ABA daytime preschool-like program designed for kids ages 2-6 with Autism. It is a school readiness program that will help children gain
Paying for ABA services can be very expensive because of the number of hours most children receive. Without the help of insurance paying the vast
You’ve just received the Autism Diagnosis for your child and now you’re wondering what the next steps should be; paying for it included.  ABA Therapy is
There are a multitude of reasons a child can be a picky eater, from personality traits to social and paternal/maternal influences and eating patterns.
Feeding therapy is conducted by a specially trained speech-language pathologist and/or occupational therapist with the goal to reduce mealtime aversions and increase overall food repertoires
Torticollis occurs when your baby’s neck muscles cause their head to tip and rotate to the opposite or same side. The top of their head
A group of Westside Children’s Therapy Pediatric Occupational Therapists was asked what is essential to know in being an OT.  The tips come straight from current