aba therapy at home effects

How ABA Therapy Can Affect Home Life

Parenting is an incredibly rewarding journey, but it comes with its unique challenges. For families with a child on the Autism Spectrum, the challenges can affect almost every aspect of home life. While other parents are planning playdates and enrichment activities, parents of children with Autism are oftentimes juggling several therapies per week while trying to stay on top of home life, other children, and all the regular demands of parenting.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a widely recognized and effective intervention for children with Autism. Its positive impact extends beyond the child with Autism, benefiting both parents and siblings as well.

In this article, we’ll explore the ways in which ABA therapy not only supports children with Autism but also enriches and strengthens the entire family unit.

What is ABA Therapy?

ABA therapy is an evidence-based intervention that focuses on improving various skills, such as communication, social interaction, and behavior in individuals with Autism. This structured approach often requires a significant time commitment, with overall sessions totaling anywhere from 20 to 40 hours per week. 

ABA therapy can transform the lives of children with Autism, as well as have a broader impact on the family as a whole. 

Effects of ABA Therapy on Parents

Parents are the cornerstone of any child’s support system, especially for those with Autism. ABA therapy can be demanding, both in terms of time and emotional energy. Parents often find themselves navigating a complex schedule of therapy sessions, while also managing the regular responsibilities of family life. While this can be exhausting, the benefits are incredibly profound.

ABA children with a parent

In addition to the benefits for the child with Autism, some of the benefits of ABA Therapy to parents include:

  1. Promotion of Independence – ABA therapy focuses on teaching children with Autism essential life skills, such as self-care, social interaction, and problem-solving. As parents witness their child’s growing independence and self-sufficiency, they’ll notice that everyday tasks like dressing and teeth brushing become notably more manageable. These incremental improvements add up over time, significantly alleviating the caregiving demand on parents.  
  1. Having a Team – Up until a child receives a diagnosis and begins therapy, parents are oftentimes trying to manage the difficult behaviors and communication challenges associated with Autism all on their own. This can lead to parental burnout, confusion, frustration, and feelings of loneliness. ABA therapists give parents a sounding board and a knowledgeable teammate when they need it most.
  1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety – Parenting a child with Autism can be challenging and stressful. ABA therapy can help alleviate some of this stress by providing parents with effective strategies to manage challenging behaviors. When parents feel more in control and equipped to handle difficult situations, their stress levels decrease.

To address the feelings of stress that parents of children with Autism may face, Westside offers Parent Counseling services. Our counselors can provide emotional support, guidance, and strategies to help parents cope with the demands of a child with Autism. It’s crucial to remember that taking care of your own mental and emotional well-being is essential to providing the best support for your child.

Impact of ABA Therapy on Siblings

The siblings of a child undergoing ABA therapy experience unique challenges. They may feel overshadowed by the attention given to their sibling, leading to a range of emotions such as jealousy, frustration, or confusion. Additionally, the long hours required for ABA therapy can impact family routines. 

Nevertheless, siblings of children with Autism will also experience positive outcomes from ABA therapy:

  1. Improved Sibling Relationship – ABA therapy can help children with Autism develop better social and communication skills. This allows for more meaningful and positive interactions with their siblings. A good bond between siblings makes the family dynamic happier and more peaceful, and also sets the stage for a lifelong sibling friendship!
  1. Less Fighting and Conflict – ABA therapy can teach children with Autism appropriate behavior and social skills, reducing instances of aggressive or disruptive behavior that may lead to fighting with their siblings. As children learn to communicate and interact more effectively, conflicts are likely to decrease.
  1. Enhanced Empathy and Understanding – Through ABA therapy, siblings can gain a better understanding of their brother or sister’s condition. This increased awareness leads to greater empathy, patience, and acceptance. They may become more willing to accommodate their sibling’s needs and differences.

At Westside, we recognize the importance of addressing the needs of siblings as well. Child and Family Counseling can provide a safe space for open communication and emotional support for all family members. 

How to Balance ABA Therapy with Home Life

It can be difficult to maintain balance when juggling the extra demands that come with raising a child with Autism. The good news is that one of the goals of ABA therapy is to make home life easier and more harmonious. 

aba therapy affecting children at home

Here are some tips to help you navigate ABA therapy and maintain a healthy home life:

Goal Setting – Consider the most demanding aspect of your family’s daily routine – whether it’s preparing your child for the day ahead, sibling conflicts, or managing mealtime. Ask your child’s ABA team to build a goal around that challenge. This will allow you to see some early progress in ABA and prioritize the most significant challenge affecting your family.

Communication – Maintain open and honest communication within the family. Encourage siblings to express their feelings and concerns, and involve them in the process as appropriate. Ask your child’s ABA therapist for some specific activities that your child with Autism can do with his or her siblings each week.

Routine – Establish a predictable routine that prioritizes quality family time first, then accommodates therapy sessions. As schedules permit, try to book additional therapies, such as Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy, back-to-back with ABA therapy. This will reduce commuting time as well as minimize transitions.

Self-Care – Prioritize self-care for yourself as a parent. Seek support when needed, and don’t hesitate to reach out for counseling or therapy services. 

At Westside, we’re committed to providing comprehensive support for families on this journey, offering services such as Family and Parent Counseling to ensure that everyone in the family receives the care they need. While ABA therapy may demand significant time commitments and schedule adjustments, the profound positive impact it has on the child, parents, and siblings cannot be overstated.

If you’re interested in ABA therapy or Westside’s Counseling services, please click the link below or call us at (815) 469-1500 and our team will walk you through the process.