Westside Children's Therapy Blog

Pediatric physical therapy sessions are designed to address each child’s individual needs. Physical therapy at Westside will help a child maximize their physical abilities and
Pediatric Occupational Therapy sessions are designed to address each child’s individual needs. OT helps an individual do the things they need to do (i.e. self-care)
Early intervention is important for any therapy. It provides the child the best chance of maximizing outcomes. For example, a child may need speech therapy
ABA therapy has developed into the most popular form of treatment for the symptoms of Autism. While ABA has been put in a negative light
Serial casting is a non-invasive conservative method used to improve joint range of motion for a variety of diagnoses (toe walking, cerebral palsy, arthrogryposis, spina
You child has graduated from IGNITE. Now it is time to RISE to the next level. In IGNITE, your child with autism was given the
ABA therapy sessions are tailored to each child's specific skills and interests. The below text is a real example of what part of a child’s
Is your child not quite ready to be in a school setting all day? Let Westside IGNITE your child’s readiness to be ready! Pretty soon,
It’s never too early to look into speech therapy for your toddler. The earlier you can catch any signs of lack of development in certain
My child is in ABA Therapy, how long will they be? The best time to start ABA therapy is early and between the ages of
Your family just learned that your child has an autism diagnosis. Now is the time to decide what your next course of action is, and
Building independence in the community It’s time to get FOCUSed! As the need for Westside’s services continues to grow, especially in ABA treatment, we are